I’ve always felt very positive and happy after having prayed in a chapel. It has been this way from my school days, a beautiful chapel that it was, in our school, which was to me - powerful. Having studied in a Convent institution, we, as students were occasionally made to pray in the chapel and were assured that our prayers were instantly heard if prayed quietly in front of the altar. We all know that prayers for that matter, are heard irrespective of where one prays, be it in a temple, a mosque, in a chapel and irrespective of its ways – silent, aloud, in the form of a song and so on. It is that tender and timid force, which comes from deep within us, that, we seek help from the almighty for, and that spur of time when our soul subconsciously interact.
It was really long since I’d been to a chapel until yesterday, when I suddenly felt the urge to visit one that is very close to my work place, here in London. I everyday walked passed the church for a year and never dropped in even once. No precise reason for it though, probably, just busy carrying on with my routine very monotonously. Yesterday, at noon, was casually missing my folks and started to just recite a prayer while I took a break for lunch. From deep within myself, the thought to visit the chapel nearby, flashed. I immediately took a stroll towards it, all geared, but unfamiliar with its service and restrictions. The church looked massive and gorgeous. A person with a warm smile greeted me and advanced the Bible, perhaps, with a thought that I was there for the noon service. I quietly told him that I’d come there to pray, but since it was my first visit I did not know where the chapel was. I told him that I didn’t want to disturb if the service had started and that I would come another time. He kindly showed me the way to the chapel and said that it was quiet and peaceful there.
Felt elated as I entered, I prayed and was pretty emotional. Kneeling down, eyes shut, I felt as if I were talking to someone, just speaking my entire mind out. What a feeling that was! I left the place feeling extremely positive and strong.