Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Of all short stories PUNYAKOTI wins the Gold medal

Sugar loves stories especially those that have animals and we parents try to come up with a few that bring sparkle in her eyes, yeah discovering bit of a hidden talent here. So, yesterday I was suddenly reminded of the ‘Punyakoti’ story. If I’m not wrong, this story can never be erased from a person who has done early schooling in Karnataka (Primary school to be precise). I was super thrilled to narrate it to Sugar and she was equally excited to hear about it. While narrating the story, I realised how I fell in love with this story all over again. It brought back a lot of memories and how emotionally it was narrated by the teachers. To me, there is no other short story that has made such an emotional, yet positive impact. The moral is so lucid and perhaps that’s the reason why this story remains intact in our minds.

Sugar, while listening to it didn’t like the bit where Tiger wanted to attack Punyakoti – she kept saying…I don’t like tiger but she loved the bit where he let Punyakoti go to her baby calf. Sugar’s expression – “Mummy Cow is happy happy to go back home to baby calf and give paala and mammamm…. Yay!”

I now hope to teach Sugar the Punyakoti song.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Enjoy those childhood stories coz they all have morals attached.